A classic portable diptych sundial made with wood, with an included compass. This model is customized for 40º latitude, but It also include the marks for 35º and 45º latitude. The small compass allows you to align with the proper north orientation.
Author: damia
A day in the life of a human Sundial
A funny timelapse of an an analemmatic sundial made by the Astronomy Society of the Progymnasium Rosenfeld.
Belarusian Academy of arts sundial
An impressive sundial made by Belarusian Academy of Arts made using our page for the sundial calculations.
Slate and brass sundial
The website ta-dip.de show us how to create a slate and brass sundial using our website www.sundialzone.com. You can see some photos or visit the ta-dip.de website.
Baked clay sundial
Isaac Newton sundial
We can see on this video the Sundial kept by Royal society made by Isaac Newton during his childhood. A piece of history and science together from one the greatest scientist of all time.
Get sunshine indoors
This crowfunding project reflects the light of the sun inside you home, it rotate and tilt getting the light inside your home.
You can check the indie gogo project page.
Sundial tattoo
The astronomer Woody Sullivan has designed a tattoo sundial, he has not permanently inked it on his skin (yet), but the proof of concept seems to work, it needs a bracelet wit a level and the gnonom. You can see more details and an interview clicking on the image.
Window sundial
Sundialzone.com can design a customized paper sundial to be put on a window in order it could be seen from inside home. It will design a specific model for each orientation
South oriented
East oriented
North oriented
You only need 5 minutes for Create your window sundial